Friday, February 21, 2014

Week 2- Droughts

The drought situation in the Central part of California is a a dire situation. California's central valley is usually covered in lush green vegetation this time of the year but due to the state's worst drought in decades have reduced the landscape to a harsh wasteland. I believe currently that President Barrack Obama was to visit California to see the drought for himself. A parched California could push food prices up dramatically. California is the largest food producer in the United States which also is the largest food exporter in the world. The state water department has turned off the water to farmers with their irrigated land. It is predicted that within the next two to four months small rural communities with populations of 40,000 will run out of water completely. The true question is what we will do to help. First, you could save water. The California Department of Transportation is using more than 700 electronic highway signs to raise awareness of how the drought is really severe. The governor of California has proposed $687 million to help with the drought. Here's where the people, us, come into play. We can help solve this problem. We could donate money, or water to help with the drought. We can also help save water. Taking shorter showers, not washing clothes so often or even limit flushing the toilet would do us good.  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 1- The New Year

It's a new year filled with whole new opportunities for us to succeed this year. Some of us have gotten off to a good start to this year, but to some people there is mostly no change. Unlike some places like California, It is really cold in the east and northern states. I live in California so I don't know how it feels to be cold. I think it's cold when it's 48 degrees out in the morning, but in states like Minnesota where it's like below 10 degrees. In these times of winter, it is important to give to others. If you have family of friends in far away places like in the eastern states of the United States where it is really cold, you should send some blankets or something to help them out during the winter. Like i said, i live in California and i don't know how it feels to be cold  so i know I'll send things to my uncle in North Carolina. If i lived in a place where snow and rain and cold winds were very common, i would like to receive blankets or clothes so then i know people are looking out for me who actually care for me. Family and friends are important of course. It's a new year and what a great way to start it then to give a call to your parents, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, cousin or friend that lives far away to check up on how they're doing.